Welcome to the Luxembourg LGBTIQ+ Panel !
Our panel is dedicated to gathering data on the LGBTIQ+ communities in Luxembourg. Scroll down to learn more about the project and how to participate in our study on the situation, experiences and aspirations of LGBTIQ+ people in Luxembourg and the border region.

The Luxembourg LGBTIQ+ Panel was created by the Laboratoire d'Études Queer, sur le Genre et les Féminismes - LEQGF Asbl.
We conduct research and studies on the LGBTIQ+ community in Luxembourg to better understand challenges faced by queer people.
We provide platforms where LGBTIQ+ people can think, discuss, share experiences and ideas on being queer in Luxembourg and the border region.
We collect, analyse and develop recommendations based on this data with the aim to inform policies and actions designed to improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people.
Usually, a panel brings together a group of experts to discuss relevant topics of public interest. For our panel, the expertise comes from the everyday experiences of LGBTIQ+ people.

What ?
Our panel gives a voice to the LGBTIQ+ communities in Luxembourg and the border region. It aims to shed light on the experiences of queer folks living, loving and working in Luxembourg.
Who ?
The panel gathers LGBTIQ+ people aged 16+ who live or work in Luxembourg, from every nationality, place of residence, linguistic community and social background.
How ?
The panel consists of a variety of thematic focus groups of 1h30 each, where up to 8 participants meet to discuss their experiences and expectations on a preselected topic.
Where & When ?
Each focus group takes place in a different locality and region in Luxembourg. We want to hear from people living and working in rural and urban areas. The dates and themes of each focus group will be announced in the Agenda.
This project is realised with the support of the
Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity
and the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

The focus groups on intercultural living together and enthno-racial discrimination are realised with the support of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees